To manually test I must shutdown VS copy the DLL to a deployment folder, possibly update a registry key, and then start-up VS again. If things fail Resharper/VS are not happy and all may need to be shutodown, dlls deleted, VS started again, and maybe even a little configuration recovery. Nothing too bad but it is definitely a high cost manual test scenario.
The full tests are part of the 'SharpProbe' project. Code fragment is shown below.
public void HasActionsRootElement()
public void AllInsertElementsHaveValidGroupIDs()
Dictionary<string, int> validGroupIds = new Dictionary<string, int>();
validGroupIds.Add("ReSharper", 0);
validGroupIds.Add("VS#Code Window", 0);
validGroupIds.Add("VS#Solution", 0);
validGroupIds.Add("VS#Item", 0);
validGroupIds.Add("VS#Project", 0);
XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDocument.SelectNodes("actions/insert");
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
string groupID = node.Attributes["group-id"].Value;
string.Format("XML insert element has unknown group-id '{0}'.", groupID));
public void AllInsertElementsOtherThanResharperElementHaveValidActionRefIDs()
XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDocument.SelectNodes("actions/insert[@group-id!='ReSharper']");
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
NodeHasValidActionId(node, "action-ref");
public void HasAtLeastOneInsertElement()
Assert.IsTrue(xmlDocument.SelectNodes("actions/insert").Count > 0);
[Test] public void HasResharperInsertElementsTahtHasValidActionIDsAndMenuText()
XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDocument.SelectNodes("actions/insert[@group-id='ReSharper']");
Assert.AreEqual(1, nodes.Count);
NodeHasValidActionId(nodes[0], "action");
XmlNode actionNode = nodes[0].SelectSingleNode("action");
string text = actionNode.Attributes["text"].Value;
Assert.IsTrue(text.Length > 0);
Hi, you don't need to copy your R# plugin binaries - there's a command line switch for devenv.exe that tell R# to load your plug-in from your development directory. In the project configuration, set Debug to 'start external program' and set it to the path to devenv.exe. In the command line arguments, type '/ReSharper.Plugin "c:/path/to/your/plugin.dll"
Hope this helps!
Steve (
Thanks Steve, but I've given up on Resharper plugins. Seems that JetBrains do not support the plugins. Just insufficent info on how to use them.
Unless you have a source?
Rob Smyth
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